Needed tools
You need a small cross electronics screwdriver (aka Phillip's or PH00), as well as a TORX-6 screwdriver or something else to unscrew Torx screws: a small slot screwdriver, scissors or anything else that is pointy. Lastly, either something to cut sheet metal or two pliars to bend sheet metal until it breaks.


 [1]  Take the top off


 [2] Unscrew both screws
These will be called short screws later.


[3] Take out the USB dongle


[4] Unscrew the four Torx screws
Use TORX-6 screwdriver or something else to unscrew Torx screws: a small slot screwdriver, the tip of your scissors or anything else that is pointy. Get creative!


[5] Open the mouse

Using a slot screwdriver works best here


[6] Disconnect the plug
Make sure to pull on the white plug instead of the cables.


[7] Unfasten the PCB
Unscrew the 3 PCB screws, also called short screws


[8] Remove PCB, lens and power switch


[9] Unfasten sidebutton PCB
Unscrew two long screws and one dome screw. Next, pull out the battery sheet metal parts.


[10] Cut/bend the sheet metal contacts
If you have a sheet metal cutter, use that. If not, simply bend the metal repeatedly until it breaks. Using two pliars works best here.


[11] Repeat on the smaller metal contact
We only need one of them since there will be only one battery


[12] All the needed parts
You won't need bottom or top shell, neither the side buttons.
[13] Contact support
Let us know if problems appear and we will assist you.